
Pictorial History of the Sun River Valley

This is the first book published by the Sun River Valley Historical Society.
Fast becoming a collector’s item.

$ 35

Sun River Valley History II

This is the second of two books the Sun River Valley Historical Society
has published. It contains photos, memories, and facts about the Valley.

$ 45

Full Court Quest

A miracle? Some say so.
A revealing account of the Fort Shaw Indian Industrial school and the girls who introduced basketball to Montana- and the country!

$ 36

Montana Women Homesteaders

Want to meet some tough gals? Here they are. But that toughness allowed them to succeed without losing sight of their gentility.
These are indeed heroines of the frontier.

$ 21

Army Letters from an Officer's Wife

This is a delightful account of Frances Roe’s life as an Army wife in the 1870s.
Garrison and camp life- bugs, dirt, and all the trials they entailed- entwine with friends, strange Indians in the kitchen, camping trips and an active life in the field with her officer husband. This gal did it all- and loved it!

$ 21

How to Order

  1.  Call Us – Burnette will take your phone order.  Call 406-965-3025
  2.  Download/Print order form and mail with a check or we will call you and get your credit card info when we receive your order.

Mailing address:  P. O. Box 155, Sun River, MT 59483

Fill out form below with order details and we will contact you.

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The Sun River Valley Historical Society is a 501-c-3 non-profit organization and all gifts are tax deductible.  Thank you for your support.

P. O. Box 155
Sun River, MT 59483