Memory Wall Project
There are still a few bricks to sell for the last wall of the tower
Founded in 1977
Memory Tower
Another major project underway at the Fort, in conjunction with our 150th and to create a lasting memorial is development of a Memory Wall and making improvements on the old vault. Steve Stokke of Stokke Concrete Cutting removed the old rubble off the south wall of the vault, at no cost to the Society. Tim Locke, the cement man and his workers put down forms and poured concrete to support the memory brick wall and to provide a viewing area. Dan Sands hauled 25 bucket loads of dirt with his tractor to fill in and level up the area before the pour, again at no cost to the Society. Note, that Cindy Skelton has volunteered to do the masonry work as a donation to the Society. We are so fortunate and give huge thanks to all who do so much for us.
NOTE: There are still a few bricks to sell for the last wall of the tower. Order yours now!
Send in your purchase today. Thanks!
Memory Tower Gallery
Click on the image to enlarge
Memory Tower Bricks
September, 2018
I’ve had request to post pictures of all the bricks on the wall to date. We have a few dozen more already sold for the third and last wall to be completed. Get your orders in now while space is still available.
Download and print the order form
Bricks are $140
Mail your order form, along with check or money order to:
Sun River Valley Historical Society
P O Box 155
Sun River, MT 59483-0155